Hotel Playa in Rimini - Italy

Strutture Ricettive
Iscrizione accesso

Hotel Playa
Via Ilario Paglierani 2 - Viserbella - Rimini (Rimini)
tel: 0541/721705
is located
near the sea

Internet Wi-Fi   Gluten Free Foods   Pet Friendly  

The Hotel Playa ***, oper all year, situated at 10 mt. From the sea and in the same time very nearly to the most important Entertainment Park, and interesting town as San Marino, Ravenna, San Leo etc: and very nearly from the Motorway Rimini Nord. Very comfortable Hotel for a nice holiday: nr. 33 rooms with private bath-room, tv color, telephone, balcony, self air conditioned, eating restaurant at the first floor with a fantastic sea view, air conditioned reception and bar open 24 hr. Service free of charge for safe and custody of valuables bicycle at dis


Prices( No Booking Fees )

Price including tax and services. Not included holiday-tax.


Dog sitter and Baby sitter, on request, with reservation.

Contact us Now for information about Prices and Availability

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Distance from Hotel Playa to:

(Using public transportation)
Seaside: 5 minutes
Railway Station: 10 minutes
Airport: 20 minutes

The property offers accommodation for a minimum of 1 nights and it has 1 bed places

Attractions near Rimini

Near to the park: Italia in Miniatura, Aquafan, Mirabilandia, Oltremare, Parco le Navi. Near to San Marino, San Leo, Riccione, Gradara, Santarcangelo