La Mimosa B&B Spello Pg bed and breakfast in Spello (Perugia) - Italy

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La Mimosa B&B Spello Pg
Via Torre Acquatino, 2- Spello (Perugia)
is located in countryside

Internet Wi-Fi   Pet Friendly  

The B & B La Mimosa is located in the countryside, surrounded by green Umbria, a few steps from the center of Spello, with well-kept garden, all fenced, so without danger to the little ones, great for relaxation, there are no noises except the chirping of birds, the owner resides on the top floor, so always present for each suggerimnento and dialogue. The rooms are very spacious, tv in the bedroom and large living room. Kitchen who wants to cook meals, restaurant discounts the place, parchweggio inside the building, remote control entrance gate.

Prices( No Booking Fees )

Minimum 20 € per person, maximum 35 per person, depending on the time, duration of stay, number of people, you are special prices.


Phono, tv, wifi linen every bike 4 days for those who remain long periods, over 5 days.

Contact us Now for information about Prices and Availability

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CIN: no affitti brevi
Codice regionale: n.c.*
Distance from La Mimosa B&B Spello Pg to:

(Using public transportation)
Railway Station: 5 minutes
Airport: 15 minutes

The property has 10 bed places

*n.c. = non comunicato, in attesa di comunicazione da parte dell'inserzionista