Hotel Villaggio Tabù bed&breakfast in Palinuro (Salerno) - Italy

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Hotel Villaggio Tabù bed&breakfast
Via Mingardina, 4 - Arco Naturale - Palinuro (Salerno)
tel: 0974931533
is located
near the sea

Internet Wi-Fi   Gluten Free Foods   Pet Friendly  

Feel the 'emotion of living in a small ancient village the warmth of a 'family atmosphere and confidential this is the resort hotel Tabù bungalows arranged in a semicircle around the central square, all with garden or patio in wood, Each guest will be at home.

Prices( No Booking Fees )

B&B min € 25,00 max € 67,00 half board min € 39,00 max € 75,00 Full board min € 45,00 max € 83,00.


Restaurant, dinners of fish and seafood or grilled lamb and sausages. Bar and karaoke and dancing evenings of Latin-American group. Small playground for children. Private parking. Shuttle bus from / to the beach where you have 1 umbrella, 1 deck chair and 1 bed with possibility of lunch or dinner in the evening on the beach.

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Distance from Hotel Villaggio Tabù bed&breakfast to:

(Using public transportation)
Seaside: 5 minutes
Railway Station: 5 minutes
Airport: 40 minutes

The property offers accommodation for a minimum of 1 nights and it has 60 bed places

Attractions near Palinuro

> Cilento National Park

> archaeological site of Paestum

> medieval castle of S. Severino

> the caves of cape Palinuro

> the Velia archeological park.