Solemare Musica & Poesia (Casa Vacanza-Affittacamere-Mini appartamenti) holiday home in Napoli - Italy

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Solemare Musica & Poesia (Casa Vacanza-Affittacamere-Mini appartamenti)
Piazza Carlo III, 15 - Piazza Carlo Terzo, Porta Orientale del Centro Storico - Napoli (Naples)
tel: 3272326011
is located in a populated area

Internet Wi-Fi   Pet Friendly  

The SOLEMARE MUSICA E POESIA structure consists of two internal mini apartments, a smaller one for two, three if necessary with the addition of a cot and a larger one for four. Depending on the need and the number of guests it is possible to book as a single solution or an entire unit. However, both are independent, have their privacy and all the required functions: bedroom, kitchen and kitchenette, private bathroom, unlimited Wifi Internet, smart TV, air conditioning, central heating, set of bath and bed linen, courtesy set for snacks or breakfast.


Prices( No Booking Fees )

For prices just contact us. They may vary based on the period, the number of days of stay and number of guests.


In the structure you will find maps of the city, pocket guides and books on Neapolitan tradition and culture.

You will find hospitality, courtesy, tranquility and maximum availability.

Contact us Now for information about Prices and Availability

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Distance from Solemare Musica & Poesia (Casa Vacanza-Affittacamere-Mini appartamenti) to:

(Using public transportation)
Railway Station: 5 minutes
Airport: 5 minutes

The property offers accommodation for a minimum of 3 nights and it has 7 bed places

Attractions near Napoli

1.353 / 5.000

Risultati della traduzione

Risultato di traduzione

We are located in the heart of Naples, in the eastern gate of the historic center of the city, precisely in the historic Piazza Carlo III (number 15), near the Central Station, the International Airport and the Port. The area is full of bars and chalets operating 24 hours a day, restaurants, pubs, pizzerias, shopping centres, supermarkets and many shops where you can go shopping. If you have...