Affittacamere Bea bed and breakfast in Firenze - Italy

Strutture Ricettive
Iscrizione accesso

Affittacamere Bea
Via Francesco Baracca, 135 - Novoli - Firenze (Florence)
is located in a populated area

Internet Wi-Fi  

Single and double room with bathroom, free parking car; une double room has a large terrace and private exsternal bathroom. From train station Santa Maria Novella take TRAMVIA T2 and get off at Novoli-TORRE DEGLI AGLI- form car, exit highway FIRENZE NORD.

Prices( No Booking Fees )

Min.€. 35,00
Max.€. 50,00
Min.€. 60,00
Max.€. 80,00

double room with exsternal but private bathroom from euro 60,00 to euro 75,00 a day CITY TAX of euro 4,00 per person a day NO BREAKFAST.


Single room with French bed, desk, tv, double bed mosquito net matr. Or 2 single beds, terrace, fridge, ceiling fan and at the table. Double room with en suite bathroom and separate shower room, but inside the mosquito net, desk-ability to leave car till the afternoon of the day of departure.

Contact us Now for information about Prices and Availability

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CIN: no affitti brevi
Codice regionale: n.c.*
Distance from Affittacamere Bea to:

(Using public transportation)
Railway Station: 5 minutes
Airport: 3 minutes

The property has 5 bed places

Attractions near Firenze

parco della Cascine (big parket every tuesday

*n.c. = non comunicato, in attesa di comunicazione da parte dell'inserzionista