La Baia del Lago bed and breakfast in Marta (Viterbo) - Italy

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La Baia del Lago
Via Garibaldi snc - Località S. Egidio - Marta (Viterbo)
tel: 3288696172
is located in a populated area
next to the lake

Internet Wi-Fi   Gluten Free Foods   Pet Friendly  

The "Baia del lago " is a charming cottage with a warm and welcoming, furnished in modern style. It is equipped with two double bedrooms and asingle, the latter with the possibility of two beds, all with large private bathroom, TV and every comfort. A large room is available for guests tospend time relaxing as well as a distinctive place where the lady of thehouse in the morning, will delight your guests with the classic continental breakfast as well as local sweets prepared personally.

Prices( No Booking Fees )

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Distance from La Baia del Lago to:

(Using public transportation)
Seaside: 40 minutes
Railway Station: 20 minutes
Airport: 70 minutes

The property offers accommodation for a minimum of 1 nights and it has 12 bed places