Camping Bungalow Jonio in Catania - Italy

Strutture Ricettive
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Camping Bungalow Jonio
Via Villini a Mare, 2 - Ognina - Catania (Catania)
tel: ++39095491139
is located in a populated area
near the sea

Internet Wi-Fi   Gluten Free Foods   Pet Friendly  

Camping Park with trees on the sea with private beach on the Riviera of the Cyclops in one of the most beautiful stretches of coast on the Ionian Sea and Sicily. The property is located in a wonderful location, on a terrace of lava rocks in the mythical Cyclops Coast, from Port of Polyphemus to Ulysses the Faraglioni Acitrezza. The reef offers an enchanting, suitable for spearfishing. The camp is located in the quiet residential district of Ognina, well connected by bus to the center of town, 3 km from the railway station and bus services around Sicily, 9 km from the airport of Catania.

Prices( No Booking Fees )

Pitch including 2 Person + Camper+electricity 6 A. 20,00 *Bungalow with air cond. 1-2 Pers. €.50,00.


Bungalow - Mobile homes, Diving, Excursions: Etna, Pantalica, Syracuse etc. Tours Organization eno -gastronomic in Sicily
Organization Tours Art and Culture in Sicily
Tours Organization of volcanoes in Sicily
Tours Organization diving in Sicily.

Contact us Now for information about Prices and Availability

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Distance from Camping Bungalow Jonio to:

(Using public transportation)
Railway Station: 10 minutes
Airport: 30 minutes

The property offers accommodation for a minimum of 1 nights and it has 99 bed places

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