Casa Vacanza la Ruota holiday home in Balestrate (Palermo) - Italy

Strutture Ricettive
Iscrizione accesso

Casa Vacanza la Ruota
G. Bommarito- Balestrate (Palermo)
is located in a populated area
near the sea

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The wheel is a bright corner House on two floors in lovely sunny location. The first floor composed from a double room, a twin room and a bathroom with shower. On the second floor a large living area, bathroom with shower and a delightful terrace to enjoy relaxing and Sun air of Sicily. It is located in the Centre of Paris in a quiet and close to all amenities of the village and the beautiful beach which you can reach by foot with a short cammiata. Balestrate is situated 20 minutes from Palermo and 30 minutes from Trapani is connected by A 29 and is easy to reach.

Prices( No Booking Fees )

Apartment A
Min.€. 350,00
Max.€. 600,00
Persons:5 max

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CIN: no affitti brevi
Codice regionale: n.c.*
Distance from Casa Vacanza la Ruota to:

(Using public transportation)
Seaside: 10 minutes
Railway Station: 5 minutes
Airport: 20 minutes

The property has 5 bed places

*n.c. = non comunicato, in attesa di comunicazione da parte dell'inserzionista