Uloft Apartment Palermo holiday apartments in Palermo - Italy

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Uloft Apartment Palermo
Via Patuano, 6- Palermo (Palermo)
is located in a populated area
near the sea

Internet Wi-Fi  

ULOFT is characterized by the combination of aesthetic research and design functionality. The natural light of the Sicilian sun and the predominant white of furnishings and walls give a suggestive and relaxing atmosphere while creativity and good taste for its design and its realization characterize the modern and refined cut of wooden elements and iron structures with an aspect minimal but always functional.

Prices( No Booking Fees )

Apartment A
Min.€. 45,00
Max.€. 100,00
Persons:4 max

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Distance from Uloft Apartment Palermo to:

(Using public transportation)
Seaside: 20 minutes
Railway Station: 20 minutes
Airport: 40 minutes

The property offers accommodation for a minimum of 2 nights and it has 4 bed places

Attractions near Palermo

The most beautiful experience for those who want to visit Palermo is to have the chance to walk it: the alleys, the majestic architectural works, the villas, the churches, the colorful markets, breathe the smell of the characteristic foods, of the bread baked at any hour, enjoy the rich variety of desserts and ice cream. Staying at " ULOFT" all this is possible and you can avoid the stress of the car as everything is at hand (walking takes only 5 minutes to reach the majestic Teatro...